Peanut Chutney

(Link to Marathi Recipe)

The box in this post is made by me after few tries. It is called dartlington box. It is a good technique to learn. I had fun making it. And the glaze used called Woo-Blue which brakes to give brown color on rough surface. I use my pot with lid to serve my favorite peanut chutney.

1 cup Roasted Peanuts
2-3 Cloves of Garlic (or per taste)
1 tsp Cumin seeds
1 tsp Sugar (optional)
Salt per taste

Preparation - 

Add half of the peanuts in big enough mixer bowl. Add salt, sugar, chili powder, cumin seeds and garlic cloves. Add remaining peanuts over. 
Now cover and start pulsing the grinder slowly to make chutney. Texture should be very coarse and oily. To get that texture pulsing slowly is very necessary. 
This chutney stays good for weeks or even months. 

Tips - 

  1. Solapur's peanut chutney is very tasty and well known in Maharashtra. It is usually made in cast iron mortar pestle. 
  2. Try to use Byadagi to get bright red colored chutney. 
  3. This chutney + fresh yogurt and onion with Jowar roti is eaten for breakfast in various places in Maharashtra. 


  1. Tried peanut chutney there was no oily texture can I add some oil in it or no?

    1. Hi Unknown, thanks for trying. The chutney may become dry if its ground too quickly in mixer/grinder. It should done using pulse action. Don't use oil. It tastes great even without being oliy. Enjoy.


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