Dadape Pohe

Dadape - weighed down
Pohe - flattened rice

One of my friend has really a very green thumb. She grows almost everything and anything!!!! Cabbage, carrots, onions, grapes, fennel, chives and usual suspects like zucchini and tomatoes. Her garden is really inspiring. She had an old wooden play structure in her backyard which had no use for her. They got it down and used it to make big vegetable beds and planted all the vegetables she wanted to her heart's content. She tries to plant whatever is in the season and eat accordingly. She is an amazing cook and uses everything from her backyard in various ways.

Vegetable Garden

My vegetable patch has too much gravel and whatever I planted did not yield much. Even though I have huge backyard and lot of empty space to use as my vegetable garden. But this is the patch that I have set my heart to grow the goodies. This year I decided to use my friend's idea to make wooden vegetable beds that can hold good soil. As we did not have any wooden structure to reuse, we decided to buy wooden planks and make the beds. We had to decide type of wood, thickness and width of the wood. She helped us along the way to make the decisions. Finally the beds got ready, we ordered truck full of dirt and hauled it to the backyard! It was extremely labor intensive work but extremely satisfying. We planted methi, cilantro, bell peppers, chard, tomatoes, beans and some more vegetables. Now we are literally reaping fruits of our labor.

Home grown Veggies

She is the one who inspired me to take pottery class, to learn painting. She is the one who inspired me to be adventurous with food and now the vegetable garden! D, thank you for everything!

Here is a simple Maharashtrian snack that I made using some of backyard finds!!!
Dadape pohe

2 cups Thin Pohe
1 small Onion
2 medium Tomatoes
2 tbsp Roasted Peanuts
2-3 tbsp Freshly Grated Coconut (I used frozen)
Lots of chopped cilantro
2 tbsp Oil
3-4 Green Chilies (adjust per taste)
1 tbsp Jaggery
Salt per taste
1/2 Lime
For tempering - Mustard seeds, Cumin Seeds, Few Curry leaves, Turmeric powder

Dadape Pohe - 2

Preparation -
Pick over thin pohe and keep it in a plate
Add 2-3 tbsp of water to jaggery to make simple syrup. Squeeze lime juice in the prepared syrup.
Drizzle this jaggery-lime mix on pohe, add coconut and mix well. Now take a smaller plate and cover this poha mixture. Keep something heavy (I like using 1lb bag of beans) on this assemby and set it aside for 15-20 minutes.
Meanwhile chop onion, tomatoes, green chilies and cilantro.
Heat oil in a tempering kadhai. Once hot, add musatard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves and turmeric. Let it sizzle for a minute and then add chilies. Add chopped onion in couple of minutes. Now saute the everything for few minutes. Onion should be partially cooked.
Add Roasted peanutes and saute for couple of minutes.
Remove cover from pohe and mix salt. chopped tomatoes and cilantro.
Add the tempering and mix thoroughly.
Adjust salt if needed and enjoy.

Tips -
  • Every family has a favorite recipe to make this. My mom uses raw onion but I don't like raw onion taste so I saute it. I learned this trick from one of my aunt.
  • Some use coconut water and lots of fresh coconut to make the pohe softer and just add salt and green chili paste.
  • I know few people use raw onion and chopped cilantro to soften the pohe and just add salt, sugar and red chili powder to finish off the dish.

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  1. Yes, I know what you mean about every family having a different recipe. My MIL uses fresh grated coconut and does the fodni on top. She does not press it down like you did, but just used a sprinkle of water to mix everything. The first time she made it, I couldn't believe that raw poha could taste this good!

    I love your vegetable patch. It looks so neat and organized. We have been meaning to do one this year, but all I have managed is some basil in a pot. Maybe next year. :)

    Can you email me what kind of wood and other materials you used to make this?

  2. Every family has it's own version of dadpe pohe. Compared to your colourful version ours looks rather pale in comparison :)
    No tomoatoes or halad in the phodni for us.
    Your vegetable patch looks great. I'm inspired to do something similar in my yard.

  3. Even before I read most of your post I wondered if you were referring to 'D'! Your dadape pohe look good, have you tried them with the red pohe?

  4. YUM!! Can't resists the temptation to eat :)

  5. I make it like your mom with raw onion. No weighing down with heavy stuff though. To soften the pohe I just splash pohe with a little buttermilk. Also another variation in my recipe is using stuffed chilies in "fodni" (kuta mirchya ki sandgi mirchya te naav matra visarle)

  6. Mints, your vegetable garden looks incredibly good. I've been gardening some "usual suspect" veggies for years now, although I can hardly find the time for those these days, and I must say my garden looks nowhere near as good as yours! It must also be lovely to have a close friend to guide and inspire.
    Love this recipe with the thin pohe. My mom used to make something with them, but I've forgotten how. Your recipe with peanuts sounds delicious.

  7. Minutai - awesome!!! I didnt know you had gravel issue.. I always remember your lovely backyard! good "growing"!! keep it up :)

  8. I love your vegetable patch. This recipe looks delicious and colorful.I hope you won't mind,I'd love to guide Foodista readers to this post.Just add the coconut widget to the end of this post and it's all set, Thanks!

  9. Your vegetable garden looks very good, Mints! I have a small patch too; I just wish I had more time taking care of it.

    At my house we dont add tomatoes to dadpe pohe but otherwise it sounds like a very similar recipe.

  10. Hi Minoti, I was looking for some good Coconut recipe (Rakhi Special;)with Coconut ladoo... now I am all set for Dadape pohe for the evening;) Thanks!

  11. Hello there! I'm loving the authentic Maharashtrian recipes on your blog! :)

    I recently made Dadpe Pohe, using your recipe, with slight variations of my own. Do check out my post on the same:


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