Peanut Chutney and Papadacha Khuda

(Link to Marathi recipe)

Peanuts are grown almost all over Maharashtra. And that is the main reason we Marathi people use it in almost every curry/subji we make. Peanut chutney a common chutney made in many households of Deccan Plateau. Peanut oil still most used cooking oil in that part of India.

I have shared my mom's version of peanut chutney before. Here I am sharing my mother-in-law's version of this chutney. Even though main ingredient is same, flavoring ingredients are different so these two taste very different from each other. My husband usually comes back with stash, whenever he visits India. So I usually have this chutney in my refrigerator.

As me, most homes do have this chutney ready in the pantry. It comes handy when you have guests over and do not have time to make fresh chutneys. It is also a must have ingredient in the Papad side dish called Papadacha Khuda in Khandesh area.


Shengadana/Peanut Chutney:

1 cup Peanuts
4-5 Dried Red Chilies (or per taste)
4-5 Cloves of Garlic
Salt to taste

Preparation -
Dry roast peanuts on stove top.
Dry roast red chilies on lower heat.
Coarsely grind peanuts.
Grind garlic and chilies together with little bit of garlic.
Mix peanut powder and chili-garlic together.
Add salt to taste and mix thoroughly.

Papadacha Khuda

Papadacha Khuda:

4-5 Urad Papad
2-3 tbsp Peanut Chutney
1-2 tsp Oil

Preparation -
Dry roast Urad papad. I usually microwave all papads together for 40-50 seconds.
Crush all the papads to create papad flakes.
Add peanut chutney and oil, mix thoroughly.
Enjoy as a side dish with Daal-Dhokali/Varanphal or Khichadi.

Tips -
  1. Preferably roast peanuts when you are ready to make chutney. Do not over roast. 
  2. Khuda is usually made with Jowar/Sorghum papad known as Bibade in Khandesh. But it tastes good with Urad papad too. 
  3. Never deep fry papad to make Khuda. 


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