Healthy Nut Chocolate Nuggets

I have not updated the blog in a long time as life just happened! Like all of you, it has taken toll on our lives too and we are also struggling to keep ourselves motivated. 
We were able to meet few of our dear friends in person and were able to share some good laughs and good food. We are back to lock down in California and we are bracing ourselves to keep motivated. But "this shall pass" is the mantra I keep reciting! 

Our last gathering was a Thanksgiving dinner with a dear friends who are our family here. We wanted have some feel of normalcy and decided to cook a full Thanksgiving feast sans turkey(of course)! We Indianized traditional ingredients and made it into 4 course meal and 3 hours enjoying it! 

These healthy chocolate nut nuggets were made for kids to enjoy before full meal as energy balls. Very simple to make and can be made in a jiffy. 

Ready to be eaten!

Here is how I made it - 

1/2 cup Pecan pieces
1/2 cup Walnut pieces
8-9 Medjol Dates 
1/4 cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder (And some additional for coating)
1/4 cup Candied Ginger

Coated with cocoa powder

  1. Toast pecans and walnuts just to warm it up
  2. Remove seeds from medjol dates 
  3. Add nuts in the food processor and pulse it to make coarse powder. 
  4. Add cocoa powder and ginger pieces pulse it to incorporate.
  5. Now add dates one at a time from feeding tube while processor is running. 
  6. It will all come together nicely in crumbly ball.  
  7. Make small 2cm balls and if coat with cocoa powder if you like.
  8. Shelf life is about 3-4 weeks
  1. You can skip cocoa powder and then they same date ladoos I shared many years ago. 
  2. Any kind of nuts be used. 
  3. You can always skip candied ginger and add 1/4 tsp ginger powder /sunth (सुंठ ) powder. 
  4. You can add any dates you have, bull will have to adjust number of dates. 


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